ridi ! @tahubaksu

legal, 20+
eng/id both fine
taurus, intp-t

LIKES genshin, kpop
(lsf chaewon, bts jimin, bp rosé, nwjns hanni, svt dino, aespa winter)
pjo, hp, mcu, modern family, disney series

before you follow

unlabeled acc
a lot of harsh words & capslock
often replying to base lol

don't follow if

strictly no minors please (unless we're already friends before)
fit basic dfi criteria
hardcore toxic shippers


animanga bakugo, todoroki, geto, gojo, porco, pieck, oikawa
hp hermione, sirius
mcu scarlet witch, dr. strange, captain america
pjo percy, jason, reyna


i'm on asia server
currently AR59, WL8
i mostly main the pyro girls: hu tao and yoimiya
likes to coop & do domains
faves hu tao, yoimiya, klee, shenhe, cyno, venti, focalors, columbina

i have separate kpoptwt account, dm for the @ if you want to be mutuals there !